Adding inline function and removing it AS3

Saves you making real functions for tiny little functions - handy. timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, function(e:TimerEvent){trace("inline function")}); To remove it, it can only be done when it is called (see the dudes link below for the source for this!) myButton_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:Event) { trace(" was just clicked!"); //removing anonymous listener e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(e.type, arguments.callee); }); src: (ty!):

Saving files with and without prompts using AIR AS3

Couple of bits of code for saving files using AIR: This way does not open the save dialogue, just saves it automatically. var stream:FileStream = new FileStream(); var saveFile:File = new File(); saveFile = saveFile.resolvePath(String(courseStructureURL)); var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream(); fileStream.openAsync(saveFile, FileMode.WRITE); fileStream.writeUTFBytes(String(Structure.xml)); fileStream.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, fileClosed); fileStream.close(); function fileClosed(e:Event):void { Utils.alert("The course has been updated successfully.");... Continue Reading →

Cancel bubbling of an event

If you've set 'cancelable' to true in your event dispatch call, you can call e.stopPropagation(); To stop the event in its bubbling track at the first listener. Good if you've got a CLOSE event for example, and want the first parent who can handle closing things to close it rather than higher great-grandaddy clips.

Stylesheets without external CSS file AS3

Just a wee code snippet in case I need it again one day. Adding stylesheet functionality I'd usually use external CSS for from within the actionscript. Pretty easy: static private function setStyleSheet():void { styleSheet = new StyleSheet(); // create object for each style //links var a:Object = { color: "#FF0000" } styleSheet.setStyle("a", a); var hover:Object... Continue Reading →

PrintJob in AS3

Basic printing in AS3: var my_pj:PrintJob = new PrintJob(); if (my_pj.start()) { try { my_pj.addPage([params]); } catch(e:Error) { // handle error } my_pj.send(); } Where you replace [params] with the Sprite you want to print. If you want to print the provided clip to the print page width, you can resize it to the right... Continue Reading →

SharedObject to save data to local drive AS3

SharedObjects are awesome, store variables locally on the users machine if you're unable to use a database etc. to store it. Here's some code from something using it to increase / store a viewCount variable. public function createSo():void { //create the local Shared Object try { cookie = SharedObject.getLocal(String(moduleID)); // direct reference to the moduleID's... Continue Reading →

Date and Time and Days with AS3

Some useful snippets of code for dealing with the date function in Flash. Needed this stuff when using a database provided start date for a user using an application, so as to know how many days had elapsed since they'd 'started' so had access to new stuff. var then:Number = Date.parse("Oct 25 2010"); var now:Number... Continue Reading →

Stopping Flash caching everything

To stop Flash caching every URLRequested file you pull in, you need to trick flash into thinking the file is different. You can do this by changing the URL with a date/time reference, so the URL is different every time. Try sticking the below on the end of the url to load: "&nocache=" + new... Continue Reading →

Switches (case) in AS3

function topicNavHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { switch(event.type) { case MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER: trace("rollover!"); break; case MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT: trace("ROLLOUT!"); break; }

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