Pretty handy. I used this for calculating remaining capacity for more work with forecasting project plans. I remember thinking Excel was sooo boring when I was little, and now I'm all, Exhell yea! Each of these spans (arrays) with an '=' or >= etc. is just another filter - so you can cram as many... Continue Reading →
Find duplicates across columns in Excel
=ISNUMBER(MATCH(A1,B$1:B$20,FALSE)) will return TRUE if the name in A1 is in the range B1:B20. Enter it in say C1 and copy down as far as necessary. If you AutoFilter the data for column C = TRUE you will see which rows to delete. src:
Value from previous sheet in Excel
I changed this to not give an error if it finds nothing, but to produce 0. Used for accumulating overtime, so very important you see. Function PrevSheet(Range As Range) Application.Volatile PrevSheet = Application.Caller.Parent.Index If PrevSheet = 1 Then PrevSheet = 0 ElseIf Sheets(PrevSheet - 1).Type <> -4167 Then PrevSheet = CVErr(xlErrNA) Else PrevSheet = Sheets(PrevSheet... Continue Reading →