Introducing the Blair Learning Project

I've made a business website, for the Blair Learning Project. You can find it at I'll eventually migrate the ID blog over there and keep my business stuff there, leaving this site as a travel and hobby thing. Check it out, and get in touch if you want to talk eLearning!

Learning from mistakes

We all learn from our mistakes, it's one of the strongest methods of learning we have. Stick your hand in boiling water and that outcome - the searing pain from your boiled hand - really gets the lesson across: don't do that again. But we barely ever do this in eLearning. It's a massive waste of opportunity. To write... Continue Reading →

When to go Next?

I’m an Instructional Designer by trade. I specialise in eLearning. I care about the quality of what I do and what people think of the profession, and I want to help others improve. So here’s my first professional blog post, focussing on the learner experience. Don’t make them think. My first boss said this a... Continue Reading →

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