Getting the learner name from the LMS is a nice wee trick to personalise a course (used sparingly!)
Using whatever API (in this instance I was using Pipwerks SCORM 1.2 demo shell),
var learnerName = get('cmi.core.student_name');
The SCORM standard stores the name as LastName, FirstName MiddleInitial, so the name comes out as ‘Blair, Lawrence’ for example. You need to javascript it out:
function parseName(learnerName) { var arr = learnerName.split(","); var firstName = arr[1]; var lastName = arr[0]; }
If your system stores a middle name you’ll need to lob the last initial off too.
A neat wee trick, aye %firstName%!
Here’s another example using javascript in Storyline, using the Storyline API, getting the learner name:
var player = GetPlayer(); var myName = lmsAPI.GetStudentName(); var array = myName.split(','); var newName = array[1] + ' ' + array[0]; player.SetVar("studentFirstName", array[1]); player.SetVar("studentLastName", array[0]); player.SetVar("studentName", newName);
Then you can just use those name variables in your module. Sweet!
Updated one for SL2:
var player = GetPlayer(); lmsAPI=parent; var myName = lmsAPI.GetStudentName(); var array = myName.split(','); var newName = array[1]; player.SetVar("newName", newName);
Articulate 360/HTML5 update (need to target lmsAPI)
var player = GetPlayer(); function findLMSAPI(win) { // look in this window if (win.hasOwnProperty("GetStudentID")) return win; // all done if no parent else if (win.parent == win) return null; // climb up to parent window & look there else return findLMSAPI(win.parent); } var lmsAPI = findLMSAPI(this); var myName = lmsAPI.GetStudentName(); var array = myName.split(','); var newName = array[1] + ' ' + array[0]; player.SetVar("newName", newName);
And here’s CP7 (thanks Jim Leichliter) – I just added additional first and last name variables to his code.
/* Calling a self-invoked function to not pollute the global scope and immediately destroy the scope chain */ (function(){ /* Initialize JS Variable to hold the student name */ var sName=''; var sFirstName = ''; var sLastName = ''; /* Obtain the student name from the LMS and put it into a JavaScript variable called sName */ if (typeof window.GetStudentName==='undefined'){ sName='Name Not Found'; } else { sName=GetStudentName(); if(sName==''){ sName='Name Not Found'; } else { /* Uncomment the below line to show the name in 'First Last' format */ /* sName=sName.split(', ')[1] + ' ' + sName.split(', ')[0]; */ sFirstName = sName.split(", ")[1]; sLastName = sName.split(", ")[0]; } } /* Check for HTML5 vs. SWF output */ if (typeof window.cp==='undefined') { /* We have SWF output, so Get the Captivate Object */ var objCp=document.getElementById('Captivate'); /* Set the studentName Captivate User variable with the JavaScript variabe, sName */ if(objCp && objCp.cpEISetValue){ objCp.cpEISetValue('m_VarHandle.studentName', sName); objCp.cpEISetValue('m_VarHandle.studentFirstName', sFirstName); objCp.cpEISetValue('m_VarHandle.studentLastName', sLastName); } } else { /* We have HTML5 output */ if(cp.vm && cp.vm.setVariableValue){ cp.vm.setVariableValue('studentName', sName); cp.vm.setVariableValue('studentFirstName', sFirstName); cp.vm.setVariableValue('studentLastName', sLastName); } } })();
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