Preloader in AS2

This was suprisingly annoying, AS2 is out of control. As usual Kirupa came through in the end. Here's a snippet: this.createEmptyMovieClip("container", "100"); my_mc = new MovieClipLoader(); preload = new Object(); my_mc.addListener(preload); preload.onLoadStart = function(targetMC) { trace("started loading "+targetMC); container._visible = false; bar._visible = true; border._visible = true; pText._visible = true; }; preload.onLoadProgress = function(targetMC, lBytes,... Continue Reading →

Adding data to divs with jQuery

I am only beginning to experiment with JS with more depth, and have discovered jQuery has a data function which lets you store data against individual divs. Really useful for some bits and peices! $("#box0").data("uniqueID", 0); $("#box1").data("uniqueID", 1); Then to call it, $("#box0").click(function() { alert($(this).data("uniqueID")); I'll find out how to loop that through a set... Continue Reading →

Value from previous sheet in Excel

I changed this to not give an error if it finds nothing, but to produce 0. Used for accumulating overtime, so very important you see. Function PrevSheet(Range As Range) Application.Volatile PrevSheet = Application.Caller.Parent.Index If PrevSheet = 1 Then PrevSheet = 0 ElseIf Sheets(PrevSheet - 1).Type <> -4167 Then PrevSheet = CVErr(xlErrNA) Else PrevSheet = Sheets(PrevSheet... Continue Reading →

Captivate Variables

You can print a variable by putting $$'s around it in a caption. $$cpInfoPercentage$$ List of variables and what they do (ty!):

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